Publication Instructions in
Journal of Education and Scientific Studies
Journal of Education and Scientific Studies – Computer Department (JESC) is a specialized scientific journal issued by the College of Education at the University of Al-Iraqia registered in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraq with the number (ISSN 2224 – 8048). The journal publishes scientific research that is characterized by novelty and authenticity, in addition to short correspondence, technical notes, special articles and review articles in computer science fields in both Arabic and English languages.
First: Paper Submission
The author sends three copies of his paper (two without the author’s name and an electronic copy on CD) to the editorial board:
Editorial Board, Journal of Education and Scientific Studies – Computer Department.
College of Education, Al-Iraqia University
Iraq – Baghdad
Second: Paper Format
The article should not exceed 30 pages with forms, tables and references. Type of font for (Traditional Arabic) Arabic research and English research (Times New Roman) font size 16 dark for title and 14 for texts with a distance of 1 between lines.
Third: Copyrights
The researcher provides an explicit acknowledgment to the journal that the paper has not been published or submitted for publication to any other party. He is also required to fill out a form that provides for the transfer of copyright to become a property of the Al-Iraqia University.
Fourth: Evacuation responsibility
What is published in this journal reflects the personal opinions of the researchers and the publisher of the journal does not bear any consequences or responsibilities resulting from the use or misuse of the information published in the journal.
Fifth: Publishing Fees
The author is required to pay about (25-30 $) for paper reviewer.
The author is required to pay the fee of paper publishing, which estimated by the editorial board according to the number of paper pages.